May 12 Event - "Importing Poverty, Exporting Innovation, an Aligned Agenda"


May 12 - In-Person Event* - "Importing Poverty, Exporting Innovation - an Aligned Agenda"



MDRC_Event_Flyer_May_2021.pngKevin Lynn, Executive Director, Progressives for Immigration Reform; Founder, U.S. Tech Workers

Kevin Lynn is an America First patriot fighting the Biden Administration's open borders agenda & the replacement of American talent. He helped to found PFIR with the intention conversing with those to the left of the political center on the consequences of unbridled immigration to the United States. He created U.S. Tech Workers to focus more attention on the role that abuse of America’s nonimmigrant employment visa system was having on skilled white-collar workers. He worked with President Trump on saving the Tennessee Valley Authority jobs that were going to be outsourced to India.

Reservation deadline, May 9. Ticket includes chicken dinner entree.


*Limited Capacity - 175. Masks must be worn while walking around and not eating. We must follow the rules of the Blackhawk Country Club, our host venue.

May 12, 2021 at 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Blackhawk Country Club
Danville, CA 94506
United States
Google map and directions
Penny Jaspar · · 925-943-6221