October 10 - Liberty, Socialism, and the Fight for the Future of California - Pacific Legal Foundation, US Constitutional Attorney, Timothy Snowball
While our tripartite national system remains largely intact, progressives have spent the last 100 years working to undermine the ideals for which we stand. Nowhere has this cultural and constitutional coup d'état been felt more acutely than California. Every day it seems that more and more of our most precious liberties are being stripped away. The question inevitably rises: What can we do about it?
Constitutional lawyer with the Pacific Legal Foundation, America’s oldest and most effective conservative public interest law firm, Timothy R. Snowball will deliver his take on where we have been, where we are, and where we should strive to be in the future fight to restore the rule of law.
Special Guests in Attendance - Blue Star Moms of America - Chapter 101 of San Ramon
October 10, 2019 at 5:30pm - 7pm
Blackhawk Country Club
Penny Jaspar
· 925-943-6221